
VALL Executive Board

L-R: Andrew Winston (VP/PE); Lara Dresser (President); Dana Piazzon (Secretary); Patty Petroccione (past President). Not in picture: Doris Morgan (Director); Alexis Fetzer (Director); David Knight (Treasurer); Evelyn Campbell (Ex-Officio). Photo by Fred Dingledy

Insider Tips on FOIA in Virginia

by Donna Bausch Presenters:  Natalie Womack, DEQ FOIA Officer           Alan Gernhardt, Senior Attorney, Virginia FOIA Council  Natalie Womack came to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) after three years at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  She contrasted FOIA procedure at the federal and state level.  In Virginia, response is far timelier than at […]

Transformative Legal Tech Expanding Access to Justice

by Donna Bausch Presenter:  Roger V. Skalbeck, Associate Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Library and Information Services, University of Richmond School of Law  (Photo of Roger Skalbeck by Fred Dingledy) Virginia is late to the game in A2J, but thanks to the Virginia Access to Justice Commission, of which State Law Librarian Gail […]

VALL Spring Meeting, May 19, 2017

Submitted by Lara Dresser The VALL Spring Meeting is May 19th at William & Mary Law School.  Join us for a social event, An Art Museum Mystery, following the meeting (see details below). Attached are a few suggestions for lodging and restaurants in Williamsburg. Please visit the VALL Wiki for registration, schedule, and directions: […]

New Librarian at WilliamsMullen, Richmond

Sarah Hall from Dallas, TX will be joining the WilliamsMullen library team in Richmond on April 3rd. She was formerly an assistant librarian at the law firm of Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr.  Sarah has a B.A. in History and an M.L.S., both from the University of North Texas. She also studied journalism at Virginia […]

Theresa Reiss

Here is an article from the In Custodia Legis, about Theresa Reiss, a reference librarian at the Law Library of Congress, and who also works at the Alexandria Law Library, and is a member of VALL: Theresa Reiss

Nominees for the 2017-18 VALL Executive Board

The Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of nominees for the 2017-18 VALL Executive Board: Vice President/President-Elect: Andrew Winston, Law Library of Congress   Treasurer: David Knight, Virginia State Law Library   Director: Alexis Fetzer, University of Richmond Law School Library If there are further nominations to be considered, please send them […]