
Nominations Deadline: January 9, 2009

The deadline for candidate nominations for offices of Vice President/President Elect; Treasurer and Director are fast approaching. You may send your nominations in to Evelyn Campbell at or through the comment box in this posting. The deadline for all nominations is Friday, January 9. ___________________ I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about […]

Message from the President, Dec. 18, 2008

Resolutions · res·o·lu·tion (ˌre-zə-ˈlü-shən): a formal expression of opinion, will, or intentAnother new year is almost upon us, which makes it time for resolutions! I always try to include a few resolutions which will make my life easier in some way. In recent years “easier” has usually meant “electronic.” I stopped writing checks in favor […]

Call for Nominations

The Nominating Committee is looking for a few good candidates to serve VALL in the 2009 – 2010 term in the offices of Vice President/President Elect, Treasurer and Director. You can nominate as many people as you think fit to hold leadership roles in VALL and you may certainly nominate yourself. VALL is an association […]

Constitution, Bylaws & History

Constitution & BylawsConstitution of the Virginia Association of Law LibrariesAdopted October 12, 1983Amended January 9, 1985Amended January 15, 1986Amended June 1, 1986Amended April 23, 1994Amended July 11, 2006 ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this association shall be Virginia Association of Law Libraries (the Association).ARTICLE II. OBJECT The Association is established to develop and increase […]