
Things I learned at AMPLL 2009

by Laurie Claywell It began innocently enough. I just wanted to support our Lexis Librarian Relations representative since she was on the 2009 AMPLL advisory council. It would look good, I thought, to have people from her territory apply. I wasn’t supposed to actually be chosen to participate. The mission of the conference was Invigorate […]

Testing the waters: Reflections for the uninitiated

by Michele Gernhardt As a relatively nascent law librarian, I felt some intimidation over the prospect of attending an AALL Annual Meeting. The cost, time commitment and travel involved can be overwhelming for a first-time attendee. This year, the convenient location, a generous VALL grant, and a fantastic roommate provided the opportunity and incentive I […]

Why I Value the Annual Meeting

by Isabel Paul Back when my employer was economically disposed and generous enough to fund my attendance at the AALL Annual Meeting, it was understood that I would be gaining knowledge of some value to the library. Fortunately, I could always uphold more than my end of the bargain, and, as the 102nd Annual Meeting […]


by Robert L. Davis, III In my personal life I often advise folks who are seeking anything to “go for it!” and “don’t let them tell you ‘no’.” But I have neglected to do that for myself and my library. Sure, I was trying to be altruistic and give librarians who were new to the […]

Thank You from VIP Sandra Treadway

Dear Leanne and Fred, Just a quick note to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend AALL this past week as VALL’s VIP guest. It was a wonderful experience! I learned so much, made many new professional acquaintances and connections, and came away tremendously impressed with the state of law librarianship as […]

In-House Supply Stockpile Checklist for Disaster Preparedness

OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES: Location Quantity Date batteriesbook trucksboots, rubberbrooms, regularbrooms with squeegeescleaning compoundsextension cords (3-wire, grounded, 50 feet)first aid kitsflashlightsfungicide (Lysol)garbage bagsgenerator, portableidentification badgeslight sticks, chemicallights, shopmop bucketsmopsplastic sheetingprotective masks and glovesscissorsshovelwalkie-talkieswet/dry vacuum(s) PACKING SUPPLIES: boxes, cardboard bread trays, plastic buckets freezer or waxed paperhoses, waterlabels, adhesivesmilk crates, plasticnotepadspacking slipspens/pencilsplastic sheetingscissorstape, filament DRYING SUPPLIES:clothesline (30lb monofilament […]

Disaster Preparedness Kit

Ready, Set, Preserve—Redux!Sally Wambold, University of Richmond Law Libraryfor the VALL Preservation Committee A considerable time ago, the VALL Preservation Committee issued a challenge to the membership to develop a Disaster Preparedness Kit. SOLINET, now Lyrasis, provided a list of items. Preservation and disaster preparedness have two powerful enemies, lack of time and lack of […]