
FALL 2019 VALL Meeting

The Fall 2019 VALL Meeting was a success! We were thankful to have the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens host our meeting. The first session was on what to look for when reviewing, initiating, or reviewing a contract. Along with how to negotiate the terms of a contract. Stinson Mundy from Linden Legal Strategies led this […]

Franklin Runge

Franklin Runge – VALL Membership Spotlight

Name: Franklin L. Runge Organization: Washington & Lee University, School of Law Title: Head of User Services How did you become interested in law librarianship? When I was in practice, my firm’s offices were located in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. Instead of working in my office, I would head over to the law library that was attached to […]

New Members

Welcome to the following new members: Julie Beamer – Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Gabrielle Dennis – Thomson Reuters Allison Gifford – Alexandria Law Library Isaac Needell – Norfolk Law Library Leslie Street – William & Mary Law School

Proposed changes to the Bylaws

VALL Voting Members , At the recent Executive Board meeting, two updates to the Bylaws were proposed to address changes to our organizational structure and operational processes. In accordance with the VALL constitution, members are being notified of these proposed changes in advance of the next meeting (October 25, 2019). Article I, Sec. 5 Current language: Section 5: Suspension […]

AALL 2019- Capitalizing On Our Strengths

by Ashley Vavra First, a highlight: AALL 2019’s Thompson Reuters reception at the Library of Congress. I saw Dr. Carla Hayden speak, gawked at the art on the walls and ceiling of that beautiful building, and met dozens of friends-of-a-friend. I took an entirely unsophisticated number of photos. That opportunity was just one exciting piece […]

CONELL: Class of 2019 – A Reflection

by Kelsey Cox As a new law librarian (just shy of six months), I was very eager to attend my first AALL Conference and participate in the Conference of Newer Librarians (“CONELL”).  My mentors had described CONELL as a fun, engaging, and rewarding experience where lifelong bonds would be formed. With such high regards and […]

Happy Retirement to Jim Heller!

submitted by Linda Tesar,  Interim Director/Head of Technical Services & Special Collections Long-time VALL member Jim Heller officially retired on June 25, 2019 after more than 30 years as library director and professor of law at William & Mary Law School. Jim at a retirement luncheon with his staff, looking through a scrapbook put together […]

President’s Message: Farewell

Hello VALL members, My term as President seemed to fly by.  I wanted to take the opportunity to share with you some of the highlights from our recent Spring Meeting, and to express some well-deserved VALL gratitude. Spring Meeting The meeting was held at the offices of Hunton Andrews Kurth in Richmond on May 3, […]

VALL Grants Recipients

Congratulations to the following for being awarded grants: VALL/AALL Grant: Ashley Vavra (Virginia Supreme Court) AALL Chapter Registration Grant: Molly Lentz-Meyer (University of Richmond Law Library) Barbara Cumming Grant: Megan Scanlon (Williams Mullen) We look forward to reading their articles on VALLTalk in the very near future!