VALL President Tony Ikwueme and VP Michele Gernhardt
VALL President Anthony Ikwueme started off the meeting by warmly welcoming all members and guests, as well as our meeting sponsor, BNA and our host, Hunton & Williams, LLP.
Bill Magee (Regent University Law Library) gave an excellent and engaging presentation titled Research, Laxity and Their Malpractice Progeny: A Teaching Tool for the Unwary Jurist. The presentation illustrated how one can incorporate specific legal research and resource instruction into a very meaningful context - how to avoid being sued for legal malpractice.
Gail Warren and Laura Dresser
The second program was a panel discussion titled Face Time: Training, Marketing and Outreach at Three Richmond Libraries. Gail Warren (Virginia State Law Library), Yours Truly (Hunton & Williams) and Lara Dresser (Richmond Public Law Library) discussed a wide array of programs, strategies, initiatives and efforts underway at our libraries. I personally benefited from learning about Gail’s and Lara’s endeavors, which included book clubs, special collection development, marketing and networking at local bar events and formal training programs. I daresay that all in attendance gleaned at least one new idea from this lively discussion.
The theme of this meeting was training and outreach. There is no doubt that the programs delivered on these points. But it was the near-palpable presence of passion and professionalism that has made the strongest and most lasting impression. Passion for the profession of law librarianship, in the speakers, the attendees and in our memory and celebration of Barbara Cumming’s life and work.
A sincere thank you to every member of VALL for your continued involvement and support.
A specific thank you to Bill Magee, Lara Dresser, Gail Warren, BNA, Frosty Owen, the program committee (Lisa Reinhard, Cathy Palombi and David Knight), Terry Long (our Winter Meeting photographer) and all attendees.
More pictures are available here