The Fall 2019 VALL Meeting was a success! We were thankful to have the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens host our meeting. The first session was on what to look for when reviewing, initiating, or reviewing a contract. Along with how to negotiate the terms of a contract. Stinson Mundy from Linden Legal Strategies led this discussion with some key points :

- Disenthrall yourself from yourself. Find the stakeholder's motive and what is driving their interest.
- Choose progress over being right. Focus on mutual interests versus the positions of you and your stakeholder.
- Create Maximum resonance. Combine the mutual interests with the driving motives to frame the issue.
The next session was on Mindfulness in the work place with Wendy Maines. Wendy led an interactive and engaging conversation on how we can enrich our lives with a few mindful techniques.

- Be open. Openness allows us to consider other possibilities like a willingness to learn, to better hear colleagues & employees ideas without our present agenda at the forefront.
- Practice mindfulness meditation with different breathing techniques.
- Perform authentic leadership by having the willingness to confront and address when you do not know something. Lead by example and set yourself forward to learn.
Lastly our session on retirement with Jim Heller and Terry Long provided us with some useful tips on what to expect when it comes to that point in your career.

- Hire a financial adviser to help plan out your retirement.
- Find free or discounted events to sign up for at places like colleges and universities.
- Stay active - Terry invites any of us to join her at Jazzercise classes! Or you can find activities through AARP and other resources at your local public library.
We hope to see you in May at our Spring 2020 meeting. Stay tuned for more details to come!