"There are exciting new things coming about," AALL vice president, Jean Wenger, told VALL members.
She talked about the Futures Summit and some of the issues that have come out of it including the relevancy of AALL to the outside world, how to attact students to law librarianship, and transperancy in how AALL communicates with its members.
Jean also discussed changes to the annual meeting including the return of the Association Lunch on the Tuesday of the annual meeting. And she reminded VALLers that the deadline for the Hot Topic is May 15, and that there were two spots available.
The time in between conference sessions had been increased to half an hour from 15 minutes because conference attendees felt that they didn't have much time to transition from session to session.
The way AALL solicits programs for the annual meeting will also change. AALL will ask for ideas from the membership and from the "buckets of ideas" members will be asked to develop program proposals. Jean asked members to have faith in upcoming changes. "We as an association want to support you," she told VALL members.