Members enjoyed a continental breakfast courtesy of the LexisNexis Librarian Relations Group before trooping into the first program, The Googlization of Everything which was presented by UVA Associate Professor Siva Vaidhyanathan. It was a scintillating, highly informative program which made you look at Google in a whole new perspective. If anyone ever thought Google was their friend, this program dispelled that notion.
Siva Vaidhyanathan entertaining and scaring VALL members with the workings of Google
Vaidhyanathan's program was followed by Reference 2010: The Sky is Falling and a New Day Dawns. Ben Doherty and Kent Olson from UVA's Law Library played the characters of Gloom and Doom, and took us through various adverse reference scenarios (the Sky is Falling) and offered a different view of the situation (a New Day Dawns).
Ben Doherty and Kent Olson masquerading as Gloom and Doom
VALL members being deGooglized
After a delicious lunch (courtesy of West) members went into the business meeting where all the proposed amendments were unanimously approved.
The next VALL meeting will be the Winter Meeting in 2011. Stay tuned for more information!