National Library Week (April 12 - 18) will be upon us before we know it. Check out ALA's website for ideas:
Volunteer in Washington, D.C. for the AALL Meeting
Please join your colleagues in volunteering your time to make the Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., a success.
Volunteers are needed for:
Family Social Hour; Registration Bag Stuffing; Opening Reception; Hospitality Booth; Closing; Banquet; Library Tours; Registration; Capital Crier Newspaper.
Volunteering is a great way to meet with your colleagues and make new contacts. Check out the description of volunteer opportunities on the Local Arrangements Committee homepage and complete the volunteer form online or contact Sara Sampson (202/662-9144), or Stephanie Paup.
The Future of the Internet:
Look to the right under Blog, there are several items that should be of interest to library professionals or to anyone really.
Contributed by Cindy Carlson.